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In recent years, I have delved into journalism and in that time I've written for a variety of outlets covering many film festivals, topics and mediums.

Examples of my work can be found below.


I have written many pieces for Filmhounds ranging from film reviews to TV reviews to featured segments in their print magazine.

Get Your Comic On

Writing for Get Your Comic On has allowed me the opportunity to cover things that I've always wanted to discuss/write about such as comic books.

Movie Marker

Movie Marker commissioned me to write a piece about Autism representation in film which I did whilst marking the 15th anniversary of the stop-motion film, Mary and Max.

The Cinematique

The Cinematique is a website I've written for countless times. Through them I have covered many new releases as well as anniversary retrospectives, list pieces and festival coverage. 

The People's Movies

Whilst writing for The People's Movies I have been able to expand my skills by writing news pieces as well as standard reviews for new movie releases.

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